Ostara to all; it is the spring equinox, which means that day and night are equal, due to our planet appearing to have no tilt at this stage of its
orbit around the sun. It also means that my hens will bring forth chickens (and they have, right on cue), the sheep girls will cycle for the first time since they birthed their babies at Imbolc (it's driving Stag the ram crazy as he is locked away from them until Mabon, at the end of March) and daffodils flower in the garden. In the bush the kangaroos all have bulging pouches and the wattle is flowering like little golden suns.
At this time of year the world is new and fresh, new life springs forth from every corner and the potential of the summer is revealed. This time of year is so inspiring.
This year we celebrated by taking a Cheese and Garlic tour. We visited some market gardens in the area and a cheese factory and ended up at a brewery for lunch (of course). It was a brilliant day. Unfortunately all the photographs I took of the day were lost when my phone threw an SD card (that's how my partner phrased it). Instead I will share some photos of Ostara at the humpy....
This is Steve; he comes to the 'Retired chooks' pen for a feed when I refill their feeder. He is a King Parrot and his mate's name is Kerry. |
We have two batches of chickens at the moment; one lot was hatched two weeks ago and one hatched on Ostara morning (20th September) |
There are some chicks from each hatch in this photo; our hens tend to mother all the babies together. |
The zucchini are beginning to fruit. |
The cabbages are hearting up |
The Hugelkultur beds are looking green and productive |
Yes, we planted lettuce, even though they will bolt to seed after a very short pick. I love lettuce at this time of year. |
The last planting of snow peas are fruiting. The other two plantings were eaten by chooks so this will be our first harvest.
I also went to a spring garden tour in my mother's garden, I have a lot of photos from that, but the garden is so awesome it deserves its own post.
What did you do for Ostara?
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